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Creating Flow by following your energy

mei 25 2010

Defining your core process.

Op het moment zit ik in de SocialMedia Crash Course met Thomas Power. Met een groep van 17 mensen hebben we een dag met 100% social media training.

Core Process is een systematiek om te vinden op welk gebied je kracht ligt en je anderen kunt "raken".In januari had ik al besloten dat flowcreation bij mij past en vandaag heb ik het verscherpt naar "create flow" of "Creeer flow". 

Flow is een energiestroom die wat mij betreft altijd in de goede richting gaat. Het is onbewuste focus. En wat heb je eraan?Als je verder wilt komen, doorontwikkelen en daarbij ook plezier wil hebben is belangrijk om in je kracht te zitten, dat te doen waar je het beste in bent.

Ook communicatie van jezelf en de organisatie kan in flow zijn of komen. Om dit sterk te verwoorden gebruik ik mijn affirmatie:

Follow the energy!


English translation (Sorry, very roughly done)

Defining your core process.At the moment I'm in the Social Media Crash Course by Thomas Power. With a group of 17 people we have a day with 100% social media training.Core Process is a system to find your strength and where you can touch followers.In January, I had already decided that FlowCreation is suitable for me and today I tightened it to "create flow" or "Creëer flow". Flow is as stream of energy that always points in the right direction. Unconscious focus (thanks NLP fellow BS Bas de Kruijf for finding those words for me). And what's in for you?If you want to get to the next level, developing yourselve and doing it with pleasure, you have to operate in your power, doing what you do the best.Also, communication of yourself and the organization can be in flow. 

To express strong affirmation I use:

Follow the energy!



Van #flowcreation naar Creating flow

Liked (3)by Margriet Groenevelt on 25-May-10 4:17pm : MessageWoww, go with the flow....Margriet Groenevelt co-founder PuurZaam™

Van #flowcreation naar Creating flow

Liked (3)by Michiel ten Kate on 25-May-10 4:19pm : MessageMooi onder woorden gebracht![ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

Van #flowcreation naar Creating flow

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 25-May-10 4:53pm@Margriet @MichielThanks, Ik vind het geweldig om met jullie en nog 14 anderen deze Crasch Course met Thomas Power mee te maken.Groeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Liked (3)by John Jeckmans on 26-May-10 8:39am : MessageSibren,follow the energy or follow your energy?from flowcreation to creating flow, from reacting to acting, from following to shaping, from ....... to .........Sibren, have come to know and like you. Opening up by showing up; analysing becoming creating, shaping, forming, designing.looking forward to our next meeting.

Creating Flow by following your energy

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 26-May-10 8:39amOp verzoek heb ik nog even de engelse vertaling toegevoegd en ook de titel naar engels aangepast.Groeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 26-May-10 9:32amThanks John,Really, like your thoughts - there's a world of difference behind it. I hope we can speak this evening already at the BS meetingGroeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Liked (3)by Phil Richards on 26-May-10 1:27pm : MessageHi Sibrd,Yes I had found this myself in January 2010 when I took the Wealth Dynamics profile test from here in Ecademy.I found , what I always knew I guess , that I was a Creator, and that when I was avoiding being In The Flow of Creation, I felt uncomfortable. I could do it, but I was uncomfortable and unproductive.Since then I have embarked upon changing my life, way of working and of committing to stay as much as I can in the flow of creativity, and still earn money and be effective !An interesting journey for sure.Phil RichardsMy Mission is to help small business owners create effective business strategy, develop wonderful ideas, have fun and make profits. Find out more about creative business strategy for small business owners..................Lets work together to help alleviate poverty : Remember to Join The Ecademy Team on Kiva[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

Creating Flow by following your energy

Liked (3)by Suzann Kale on 26-May-10 9:28pm : MessageExcellent information. I love it, and will give it a try. For me, this translates to how much time to spend on each work activity. Following your advice, this will change dramatically. Can't wait to see what happens!Suzann

@Phil - Creating Flow by following your energy

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 27-May-10 1:39pmVery nice story Phil. And recognizable alsoThe wealth dynamics is a very usefull tool to get insight indeed. And brave to take the step to change. Leaving your comfortzone comes with huge power of resistance. I am glad you made the desicion and I hope you are very comfortable in your new zone nowI decided to show my wealth dynamics on my website ...Would nice to skype-talk and excange experiencesGroeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 27-May-10 5:04pmSuzanne, wow - that's a brave decision!It would be nice to see a posting about your journey. We can strengthen each other here on ecademyGroeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Liked (3)by Chinello Ifebigh on 27-May-10 6:31pm : MessageSibren,Everytime I read a blog of yours I immediately want to "rub minds with you".Very Insightful.Chinello IfebighSocial Networks | Salon Facilitator | Storyteller | OdjembaNaturalborn NetworkersM: 31 629306723@:

Creating Flow by following your energy

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 27-May-10 8:37pmHi Chinello,I remember we wanted to speak a few months ago, wow, why does it take such a long time live that close by her in the Netherlands?Why not meet here at the Boardroom of Jan and me on june 2th...Groeten / Regards, Sibren

Creating Flow by following your energy

Liked (3)by Solveigh Calderin on 3-Aug-10 6:41pm : MessageHello Sibren,that sounds like my Tai Chi teacher told me: "All is flowing. It comes, all is coming to you, if you let flow it..."There is the thought in that the more you want anything, the more you push, the farer away it will be, but if you have the power to "see" the energy, to concentrate your energy in what you want (without pushing), the energy can flow and bring to you, what you need or wish... With other words, I'm open enough to see ALL opportunities to reach my goal...

Solveigh CalderinHereke Carpets - Tradition, Beauty, Luxury and EleganceFollow me on TwitterFind my personal profile and business site on FacebookGoogle Buzz me[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

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