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met de Convincing Power Principes

The challenge of defining my Big Hairy Audacious Goal

mei 19 2012

During the online seminar/wokshop of Jim Collins - Great by Choice - he asked us to write down our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal). In preparation of the seminar I did think about my goals again so there was nothing new, but still a dilemma: how to bring the BHAG closer to my earnings within the design company (or visa versa).

There are two major goals I had so far:

1. Cause 5% more flow in the Netherlands each year

2. Stimulate integration of business development and professional creativity

Why they do not work for now

Discussing and thinking about the two goals, I discovered they are not exact enough, to general. The problem is that the goals are not leading to grow my current business. The ideal part is in it, it is big, it fits with me personally but it does not help my business at this moment. There is some work to do - to get it more integrated with my design business.

Background of the flow-goal

The first goal of 5% more flow was a great concept without a business plan. This sounds silly, but it was just that, a brilliant idea to work on.

The core are the Wealth Dynamics define by roger Hamilton. Great tools he developed for entrepreneurs to find flow in their personal and business life. These tools are based on the theory of Gustave Jung.

I have defined my highest value as a Creator: building good teams with full flow. And to do something with that goal, I have started to compose Wealth Dynamics Master Teams: self regulating teams of experiences entrepreneurs. The first one was the "big example" and from that team we compose several other teams. And flow there was!

The idea is great, but within half a year we did not succeed in making a good business model. And a there were business opportunities coming towards us, we did not know how to deal with it. And when this happens, all energy disappears. And quickly the committment of team members was fading. No one is interested in philanthropy.

The business creation-goal

The second one is business creation, stimulating business-developing creatives.

This is what the industry in US and Europe needs. Because in the cycle we have passed the industrial age (winter) and are in spring now. And spring means: new kind of business models, new ways business is done.

The question is how to integrate creativity-principles with building businesses. Often old school of higher efficiency (lean) does not bring the prosperity business owners and employees are looking for. There are many many collegue-companies in the creative industry, exploring idea's all day. The lack is that they do not build their business with creativity, it are always the old models they use. And that is a big missed opportunity.

Ingredients of the BHAG

This is something that needs time to let resonate. I have discovered (15 years ago) that the best creative solutions is fully depending on how sharp are you able to define your question.

So the question for now is:

What is my BHAG when I combine both "Business Creation" and "5% Flow each year" and bring my current design business to a higher level?

Curious when the answer pops in..

Sibren designs and develops is a quality design agency with a 100% digital team.

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