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When is an idea a good idea?

jul. 12 2010

This evening I was looking at the beautifull Dutch sunset and day dreaming about several things. And than a question popped-up. When is an idea a good idea? has the slogan: Ideas worth spreadingIt means that the idea's they show are scaleable. When you look at Vincent van Gogh you see that his idea seems to be a good idea 80 years later. What do you think. When is an idea a good idea?Groeten / Regards, Sibren

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When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (3)by Sibren vd Burgt on 13-Jul-10 7:23am

Two reactions on twitter:EmielP: @ Sibren: When an idea is a good idea? -> If your idea is stolen!about 10 hours ago via Twitter

Reply View Tweet ·lauravdbrink: @ Sibren If you are warm, as the 'natural' seems a good idea #about 10 hours ago via Web ·

Reply · View Tweet Show Conversation - An idea gets value when someone sees value in it. Maybe it is just perception?

About the classification "good"good is: duplicated in minds and words many timesor good is: when the result is used many timesor good is: when it gives new impulses for others to start actingor good is: completely useless but brilliantFascinating about TED is that it generates a place of attention and presents thoughts that are quite easy to understand. The medium video is common accepted and is a good "mean of transport".Groeten / Regards, Sibren

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When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (3)by Dr. Mehmet Yildiz on 13-Jul-10 11:38am : Message@When is an idea a good idea?Excellent question, Sibren.In my view, if an idea create a major shift for humanity for a meaningful life, it can be considered as a goo idea.Springboarding your wonderful example, Vincent'ss invisibly hidden ideas could be captured via observant eyes and they can directly create a tremendous shift in our emotions in his art work. Van Gogh museum was the only museum so far which brought instant tears to my eyes with a few glances when I entered to it in my visit to Amsterdam.Regards,Mehmet Yildiz[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (7)by William Buist on 13-Jul-10 12:49pm : MessageWhen nobody says "that makes sense" and lots of people look quizzical or say 'that's daft', or 'that's stupid', or 'it'll never work' and yet for you you can see the logic, know it's not daft nor stupid and want to make it work.Why?Because when an idea makes sense it's already generally accepted, so is not a new idea. When it makes people change, when your context allows you to see what others can't and your passion drives you on then you know you have a good idea.Were Einstein's ideas on relativity good ones? Did people say 'That makes sense' when he first presented them? I think the answers to those two questions are yes and no respectively.William BuistEcademySupporting Business People[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (3)by Admanta & Peter Wharton on 13-Jul-10 1:20pm : MessageWhen it offers a good solution to a given problem.It's a brilliant idea when it offers a brilliant solution to a difficult problem.PeterBranding. Pure & Simple[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (3)by Sibren vd Burgt on 13-Jul-10 2:06pm@MehmetWhat a powerful emotional description of your visit to the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.Indeed, his idea of transforming the emotional state to the surface was a big one. Strong brush strokes combined with overwhelming coulor intensity/sensitivity.So a good idea makes a major shift, wow, that idea is really big than!Groeten / Regards, Sibren[ reply to this comment ] [ edit ] [ hide ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (3)by Albert Wm Gosnall#1 on 13-Jul-10 2:47pm : MessageWhen it is shared."If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples, then you and I will still each have one apple.But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."George Bernard Shaw - 1856-1950[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 13-Jul-10 3:09pm@ WilliamInteresting description, tank you William it comes close to how I see it. But stil there is a point where few words are getting fluent:1. a thought you have2. putting the label "an idea" on it3. someone recognizes it as an idea and uses the concept in his own context"when your context allows you to see what others can't" > that will be nr 2I like you explanation about the "creazy" thoughts and the passion behind the thought.There are many creazy thoughts of people but not recognized as a good idea.In Holland you have a TV program about "het beste idee van Nederland", trying to get your business idea realized."Because when an idea makes sense it's already generally accepted, so is not a new idea."Not a new idea but a it was a good one onceI will try to summ-up what we have so far.A good idea must be:- a new thought, mostly a bit "creazy"- an unique insight- having the idea-label- recognized as an idea- usefull for othersStill in my mind: How come when an idea gets the tag "good" years later,(like the example of Einstein and van Gogh? How many idea's are available now without having the label and not beëing used but just as brilliant?Groeten / Regards, Sibren[ reply to this comment ] [ edit ] [ hide ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Like (3)by Phil Shepherd on 13-Jul-10 4:36pm : Message@ About the classification "good"good is: duplicated in minds and words many timesor good is: when the result is used many timesor good is: when it gives new impulses for others to start actingor good is: completely useless but brilliantMaybe a good idea is one that could fit into all or any of your definitions and Mehmet's "major shift for humanity" , Sibren. Maybe this one could be a good example of a good idea. What do you think?Phil ShepherdGOOISOFTCustomised Software. Blending technology with human ingenuity.[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (5)by kutay f.helvacıoğlu on 13-Jul-10 5:19pm : Messagehey sibren,a good idea works any time!kutay f.helvacıoğ[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (5)by Solveigh Calderin on 13-Jul-10 6:35pm : MessageHello Sibren,I thought about this question since yesterday night, when I have read the blog at first - and I came to almost the same answer as William gave it here.A good idea is a good idea, when I'm assured about it, when it feels right for me, if this idea gives me the passion to resist all negative comments and so called "good advices", when I'm burning for this idea.And that has not to be an idea like Einstein has had or Da Vinci or Van Gogh, a good idea also can be a very small idea about making anything in everyday life better.Solveigh CalderinHereke Carpets - Tradition, Beauty, Luxury and EleganceFollow me on TwitterFind my personal profile and business site on FacebookGoogle Buzz me[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Like (0)by RealSteveHolmes six years on Ecademy on 13-Jul-10 6:48pm : MessageI agree with that, William, and it brings me comfort that so few people like my ideas.

Discussed along with other worthwhile topics here:New forum here.[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 13-Jul-10 9:46pm@ PeterThanks, I think we will all agreeGroeten / Regards, Sibren[ reply to this comment ] [ edit ] [ hide ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (2)by Sibren vd Burgt on 13-Jul-10 9:52pm@Albert,"Your" description with George Bernard Shaw shows the magic of idea's. It can be nothing, just a ripple in the sea. But when two ripples are conguent there really does happen something.Thanks Albert...Groeten / Regards, Sibren[ reply to this comment ] [ edit ] [ hide ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (3)by Dave Ashman on 14-Jul-10 7:49am : MessageMany great points boys and girls....A good idea, I believe as an inventor for 25 years; is one which can move mountains (our fundemental thoughts) without yet being mass produced.It touches everyones thoughts and provokes new thinking.Kindly take a look at such an idea.Everything made or grown requires clean water. These industries then pollute giving us wastewater. Each litre of Plastic bottled Water requires 3 litres of water to produce. There is a new more environmental solution. SVDs do not use plastic oil-based bottles or transportation costs. A Global sidewalk Clean Drinking Water Solar powered project.Back to TOP[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Liked (6)by Martin Dewhurst on 14-Jul-10 9:08am : MessagePerhaps there's another level to this which is ... when is an idea "a good idea and the right idea".Good is one level, right is higher still.Along the way I've experienced both opposition and inspired agreement to ideas, neither of which have led to the bearing of fruit, and right is still right even if good is debatable.Martin[ reply to this comment ] [ hide ] [ report spam ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 14-Jul-10 9:50am@ SolveighAnd that has not to be an idea like Einstein has had or Da Vinci or Van Gogh, a good idea also can be a very small idea about making anything in everyday life better.I agree Solveigh, that's a fascinating aspect. As some people think about idea's for "the univers", an invention of the paperclip for example is a good idea also. literal a smal object, does not change the world really but after many years still very respected and used as an example of "a good idea".Groeten / Regards, Sibren[ reply to this comment ] [ edit ] [ hide ]

When is an idea a good idea?

Likes (0)by Sibren vd Burgt on 16-Jul-10 8:15am@MartinNice observation, the right idea - and how to bear fruit.I think you never know whether the right idea will be successfull. Look at many businessidea's, on paper good and maybe the right idea - and still ... no fruit. Sometimes the idea is not on the same wavelength with time, situation, etc.If someone came - as first person in the world - with the idea of a paperclip today, I think nothing happens.Groeten / Regards, Sibren

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