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The memory of Ecademy ...

jan. 22 2010

... yesterday during the New Year's drink of Ecademy Amersfoort Netherlands. There were pretty conversations again with special people. For me, the meeting is really relaxing-time and in the night when I drive home am always full of new inspiration. Yesterday I realized again that the Ecademy club is a special social network. Not only good "future proof" values are defined, but Ecademy has a memory also. That is totally different from other networks. The input I gave in recent years stays there, it is not only stored in the Ecademy blogsystem, but in the heads of members I meet in real life also! And thus arises naturally friendship and "credibility". I'm a person who thinks on the long term and like the joy to "build" together. Until the next meeting! Groeten / Regards, Sibren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Geschreven door: Admin


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